Majestic Mountain Sunset

Majestic Mountain Sunset

My father’s family comes from “Mountain” country (British Columbia, Canada) and that has always been so special to me. With this painting I even more so realized that one of the greatest values mountains provide is the inexplicable feeling of joy you...
Sofie Sicaso Watercolor Paintings

Sofie Sicaso Watercolor Paintings

Here is a collection of Sofie Sicaso watercolor paintings that are currently available at MacDonald Gallery eBay store. Most of them are up for auction starting at .99 cents!...
Four Roses in The Galaxy

Four Roses in The Galaxy When I started this painting I was going to have four roses in the moonlight. Then I got to thinking that “moonlight” is really “reflected sunlight”. That gave me the idea not to do the obvious and instead...
Bubble Gum Lily Pond

Bubble Gum Lily Pond

Typically, before I start a painting I have an idea in my head what it is going to look like. Sometimes I go into great detail and studies even before I touch the canvas. But there are occasions when the paint takes over. That’s what happened on “Bubble...